Standards Based Grading
Standards-based grading is a grading practice within a broader standards-based instructional system where teachers collaborate together to understand what content students know and what they need to be able to do in order to meet or exceed state standards.
Beginning this school year, standards-based grading is being used in all elementary and middle schools across the Five Star District. Two high schools, Legacy High School and Mountain Range High School, are also in the early stages of implementation.
For the past four years, the district’s standards-based grading committee has been working with teachers, students, parents, school districts across the country, as well as colleges and universities, to carefully and thoughtfully develop and implement the new grading model.
Questions About Standards Based Grading
Given a change of this calibre we both expect and welcome your questions. In an effort to help prepare students and parents for this change we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about standards based grading.
More Information
For more information about standards based grading please see the attached brochure and individual subject rubrics below. Rubrics provide important information for parents regarding how their student's mastery of a given subject can be measured according to their standards based grade.